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2003年 英文書

書名 : Music in the Sky:
The Life, Art and Teachings of the Seventeenth Karmapa Orgyen Trinley Dorje

作者 : Michele Martin
出版: Snow Lion
普通裝 , 40頁 彩色插頁
頁數 : 351 頁
香港自取, 港幣198 (2008年最新優惠價)


As the second millennium drew to a close, the Seventeenth Karmapa leapt from a roof of his monastery in Tibet. Evading his Chinese guards, the 14-year-old spiritual leader began a grueling, dangerous journey to India. The Karmapa's picture has appeared all over the world since then -- yet his own words are hard to find. Now, for the first time in print, Music in the Sky offers a series of the Karmapa's profound teachings, an extensive selection of his poetry, and a detailed account of his life and flight from his homeland. The amazing teaching and writing skills evident in this work -- particularly in light of the fact that the Karmapa is still only 17 years old -- will captivate readers.

Music in the Sky concludes with brief biographies of all sixteen previous Karmapas, specially composed for this collection by the highly respected Seventh Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. Here, the reader will discover the compelling histories of the first Tibetan masters to be recognized as reincarnate lamas. Music in the Sky presents a definitive portrait of the Seventeenth Karmapa, strengthened and illuminated by an authoritative depiction of his place in the world's most revered lines of spiritual teachers.

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