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Karmapa - Secret of the Crystal Mountain

Sijano Vodjani 的早期作品, 最珍貴的是內有第十六世噶瑪巴之聲音
CD, Product Group: Mantras and Chants
Artist: Sijano Vodjani, co-produced by Oliver Shanti, Label: Sattva Music (SKV004CD)
A CD of Tibetan Buddhism captured in music. Original chants of legendary Tibetan Lamas enhanced by the unique combination of modern and traditional melodies, as well as archaic and ultramodern instruments. Meditation and new age music full of compelling authenticity. With the original voice of the legendary 16th Karmapa, the Living Buddha.

Features vocals, choir, piano, guitars, bass, percussion, tabla, sitar, synthesizer, tampura, flutes, timpani, gyaling (Tibetan ritual oboe), harp, dung chen (Tibetan trumpets), damaru (Tibetan hand drums), tilbu (Tibetan hand bells), singing bowls, tungar (shell), rainstick, clarinet and many more surprises.

港幣 128圓. 香港本地自取價;外地訂購者需另付郵資

2006-07-03 新書推介

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